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Rushit Jivani

GSWS - Consistent Rhythms

This page contains the case study of GSWS - Consistent Rhythms application which includes the Project Overview, Tools Used and Live Links to the official product.

Project Image

Project Overview

Summary: Government initiative by GSWS department officials.

Description: An initiative of the Government of Andhrapradesh to improve schools by constant check-ins from different functionaries of the GSWS department.

The case study outlines several key accomplishments and tasks undertaken by the GSWS - Consistent Rhythms.

  • 1. Created efficient, adaptable, and scalable form structures.
  • 2. Optimized application performance.
  • 3. Developed an exceptional offline API call system.
  • 4. Ensured uninterrupted workflow for users.
  • 5. Particularly beneficial in areas with poor internet connectivity.
  • 6. Handled all the exceptions and fallback for offline API call system.
  • 7. Created a system which can handle "N" number of API calls.
  • 8. Designed and executed a visually appealing UI for listing and retrieving API calls.
  • 9. Received recognition for always being innovative to implement features that make it easier for the end users along with ensuring client deliverables were on time.

Feel free to check out the project by visiting the live link.

Tools Used

React Native
Chief Architect
RESTful Architecture
Redux Saga
Offline Functionality
Push Notifications